Our mission is to eliminate food insecurities for children and their families by providing nutritious and simple meals, through backpack programs, food pantries, weekend meals, and school break packs.
We deliver ourselves to ensure the product arrives in perfect condition. It's how we give back.
Our products are free of GMOs, HFCS, added sugars, artificial Flavors and colors.
We now offer vegetables, soups and pastas in pop tops.
You get to create your own program and how many meals you want to give.
Most start with 2 breakfasts, 2 snacks, 2 lunches and 2 dinners for a week end pack.
You may add a vegetable, a dessert, a 2nd snack.
1 in 5 children have food insecurities in Florida. It's unacceptable. We have thousands of children throughout the state waiting to receive food from us. We need your help. You have 2 options, you can donate monthly ($20/month feeds a child over the week end - 8-12 items over 4 meals) or one time donation.
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